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dans 2007, alphabroder Reçue the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) certification De the U.S. Customs et Borders Protection (CBP,) A division de the Department de Homeland Security. The C-TPAT program is A joint initiative between the U.S. government et certified businesses À cultivate cooperative relationships based upon the integrity de A company's security practices. These practices are vital dans maintaining an overall efficient et compliant supply chain et strengthened border security.
A Année later, alphabroder was granted Tier II Statut by CBP. À receive its Courant Tier II Statut, alphabroder's entire supply chain, including factories, brokers et transportation providers had À pass A vigorous inspection by CBP, maintain the "best practices" dans le industry et demonstrate that comprehensive programs are dans place À secure their facilities et supply chains De terrorists, smuggling et narcotics.
This significant recognition de our security program exemplifies our Entreprise wide commitment À maintaining the highest levels de security standards, procedures, et processes à Tous de our facilities, et displays our serious concern for the security et well being de the United States (ou our homeland).
As part de our partnership avec CBP, alphabroder will Continuer À comply avec procedures defined by the CBP À ensure Sécurité along the entire portion de the supply chain that we control -- De point de origin À final destination. C-TPAT membership will require alphabroder À maintain written processes that are dans place avec Tous business partners within our network de service providers as well as Tous Corporatif facilities. These security procedures must be verifiable, et alphabroder will be Requis À demonstrate that our transportation partners are dans compliance avec CBP standards.
Some de the major benefits de Réception C-TPAT certification include:
- Fewer cargo border inspections de goods, leading À reduced lead times
- The assignment de an Compte representative De U.S. Customs et Border Protection À Adresse questions
- Access À U.S. government anti-terrorism seminars, et the sharing de industry best practices
Information additionnelle about the C-TPAT Program is available à theU.S. Customs et Border Protection Website.
» Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)
Produit Sécurité is A hot topic right Maintenant dans the consumer Produits industry et we would like À make you aware de recently enacted legislation that applies À the Produits alphabroder sells À our customers.
The Consumer Product Sécurité Improvement Act (CPSIA) became law on August 14, 2008 et is applicable À consumer Produits (including textile wearables et non-wearables) manufactured on et after November 12, 2008.
The CPSIA requires Tous importers et domestic manufacturers de apparel et Autre applicable non-wearable consumer Produits À issue Certificate de Conformity for every lot manufactured on ou after November 12, 2008. It is important À note that Les 2 importé et domestically made Produits will require COC's.
dans Commande À Meilleur Faire le suivi et service the increasing requests that we are Réception avec regards À Produit Sécurité, alphabroder has set up A separate Adresse courriel:[email protected]. The Merchandising team will respond to these emails accordingly.
» California Prop 65 Statements
alphabroder has A tradition de conducting its business dans an ethical et socially responsible manner that reflects respect for the environment, culture et social impact de communities. As an international business, alphabroder is committed À providing quality, safe Produits that meet ou exceed our customers' expectations.
The Safe Drinking Water et Toxic Enforcement Act de 1986, also known as, Proposition 65 (Prop 65) is A California law that has been dans effect since 1986 À promote clean drinking water et keep toxic substances that cause cancer et birth defects out de consumer Produits. Proposition 65 requires the Province de California À publish A list de chemicals known À cause cancer ou birth defects ou Autre reproductive harm. This list, consisting de A wide range de naturally occurring et synthetic chemicals known À cause cancer ou birth defects ou Autre reproductive harm is updated à least once A Année et has grown À include plus than 900 chemicals since it was first published dans 1987.
Prop 65 law requires that anyone à reasonable risk de exposure À be informed when substances classified as toxins are present. Proposition 65 enables Californians À make informed decisions about protecting themselves De exposure À these chemicals. It also prohibits California businesses De knowingly discharging significant amounts de listed chemicals into sources de drinking water.
Voir La proposition 65 de la Californie Statements